This morning was nice and cool. I decided to wake up at 6am (an hour earlier than usual) to play. Mum and dad couldn't take it, so they slept in for another hr whilst I played with Eka. When they rise, mum made pizza for my breakfast. We changed, then set off for Farm Mart. It was a bit of a dead town at first, but as more children joined us, it became a very nice and cozy morning. I saw bull frogs (mum's scared), tortoises, rabbits, chincillas, birds, fishes, prawns, dogs and goats!
Mummy tried getting me to feed the goat. I did it once n refused after. They are simply too scary.
We went scouting for CNY flowers after that, but mumy didnt see anything she likes. We went home and I got my long long nap! What a day!